Check it twice, pay once

Family Law property separation

Lessons from an old builder

It makes sense to have a professional check it first

My grandfather was a builder before he emigrated to Australia. As a kid I spent many weekends helping him with various building and painting jobs. Other builders working with him could never keep up, even when he was in his 70’s. To this day I think in feet in inches, because for my grandfather there was no such thing as a metric system.

The old adage “measure twice, cut once” was a common phrase on worksites. But my grandfather also built things as he went, “offering up” one piece of carpentry to another, to ensure a perfect fit.

Clients often get in touch and say they are completely agreed on property separation arrangements, and just need a lawyer to do the paperwork for just a few hundred dollars. They aren’t interested in getting advice because they don’t think they need it. The problem is this: after paying a fixed fee to get the papers drawn up, the agreement falls apart or is not accepted by the Family Court. Clients are then at square one, and have to pay more in the long run.

It is worth having a chat to a lawyer first, before getting anything drafted up, to make sure you only have to pay once. Even if you and your ex-partner are completely amicable.

The other advantage of having an experienced lawyer help you is that they can make sure all the legal pieces of your separation fit together seamlessly. If there’s a problem halfway through the settlement process, Shorestone Legal will see the problem coming and advise you accordingly.

It costs nothing to call Shorestone Legal for a free, confidential chat about your specific circumstances, for proper advice about the division of assets and liabilities, even if you and your ex-partner are agreed.


6 Steps To Take Before Meeting with a Lawyer


7 Step Separation Checklist